Sunday 3 December 2017

true devil story

The night that rides the world 

The night is about ten o'clock ... the dark night is dark and dark, and the evil of the evil is darkened. Wintered, the village was not dark enough to cover the dark blanket of the villagers.
In the north of the village, the trees are crying like the ghosts, and the wind swells awfully. In the shadows of the dark, the cobra sounds, the tail chair, the wind swing, the noise sounds, the whispering glimmer of the glittering mists, except the heartless silence of the heart. The owl eyes on the trees are literally dark in the torchlight of the trees as they look from the watchtowers.
At the same time - a woman in a white sari is slowly moving on the slopes of the lady's shape. After looking at her, a dog lying in a tree at the beginning of a tree barked. Then someone licked up and waited. In a quiet sleeping place on the trees, a moment has passed. The dog keeps crying from the place where he is lying.
The woman that suddenly stood up. As a result of the tangible shape, 'kenny' shouting has fallen to the ground on the ground ...
"Ghosts, monsters ... nonsense! That's all our pity, the fear of our minds and the fear of us," said Naidu. "There is a demon that goes beyond the world in the world!"
There are twenties to the bootleb. Handsome. A farmer's child who grew up in the village and grew up in the village. But far away from the superstitions of the villagers. From the small scapegoat, the devil's words, the stories grow up ... he did not believe them.

"What if you're really supposed to be a devil?" Asked Krishna."It's a horror magazine that's going to be scary." Strangely asked the bulletbuy."I'll find its originals," said Bullebubi.
"How are you?" Erriya asked for a look.
"If there is a ghost, send it and show it to me what I play with it" Laughter. "But do not you fear the demons?" Burned rams.
"I'm not afraid of demons, I do not even believe in their existence".
Friends face three faces. Those four are just about the same age. Together they grew up playing with a small ball. The school in the village was studying up to class 10, reading the above studies and finding jobs, and helping farmers in farming.
This is the source of their demonic conversation ...
Those friends who used to read the books of the books for the pastime. Crime is very fond of stories. Whenever they go to the nearby town they bring the magazines that they find. Make them circular between them.
Two days ago, Ernya Stands, who went to town to buy fertilizers, saw a new magazine. Soon after reading it, he took a look at the stories ... the stories and the impression of the stories completed it in two days Erraya, Krishnudu and Ramuulu. Later they talked about it.
"It's a horror magazine that's going to be scary." Strangely asked the bulletbuy.
"Read it," said Erraya.
Bulbbubi magazine Tiregasi, "There are ghosts like the earth!" Smiling said.
"Crimes are also horrible," said Ramas.
Thus the conversation of allies led to the issue of 'the original demons?' Read the magazine. You know, "they say, the stories are different, the hard truths are different.
"There are ghosts in our village bite, and we have occasional nights in our village," said Krishna.
"I do not believe all the shadows of the shadows," he dismissed the bullet.
"Well, we have a bargain ... you have to spend time alone in the upcoming new moon night and you believe that you do not really fear the demons".
"Yes, but not a demon, but a play with it?" Smiling bully
"Do not get caught up in joking and bullbebai!" Caution warned.
"No probe, tell what the bet is," said bulletbuy.
"If you really stay in the sunny day of the new moon, you will be right with the title of 'Magadheera'," said Erraya.
"If I win in the race, all three of you will have to work for days in our fields and I will work in your fields if you win".
The others looked at the faces and said 'OK'.
That day is Sunday. Multiple New Moon. The moon did not enter the moon with fear of darkness. There are no stars in the boom.
In the dark With the wind flowing from the aforesaid Godavari, the heads swell as if the burden of worrying trees. If the lips of the music are singing ... the rhythm of the air is flying ... the glow worms flying flying saucersWinters are struggling to show the light of the darkness ... the silence of the trees ... the owls from the trees looked like torn lights, and the winds are terrible.
At about ten o'clock at night - that's a jerk. In the hands is a pen torch. That stereotype was a bit shocking to him ... Pen torch returned to Kopady's widow.
If you were sitting under a chimney, that evening, Erriya's words were reminiscent of that -'Oray! The ghosts are yours. Do not worry about what's going on. Why is it good, do you think about it again? '
At that time, the dog was tired, and then there was a tumult of the bird and the birds.
Being a 'keeb' woman cried out to the knees. He stood up and stood up. It is not known who has grown up, no matter where it came from. "Who's that? He stepped in the direction. At the end of the four feet, the pen torch in the hand fell as if someone slipped. That blindness was not even lightened.
In that dark night he cried like a blind man. No one has appeared ...
Erie also accompany the Sounds, the dog stops and stops crying.
At the same time - heard the sound of the foot from everywhere.
He stopped and earned ears. The moon stopped.
Still forward. Whether we have two feet, the feet of the foot again hear.
He was followed by his followers. Silently walked. A few feet away, the white shape shattered into the darkness.
"Evaradi?" And he went on. The shape disappeared behind a tree.
He touched the eyes and switched around. No one is visible.
At the end of the bush was shattered. And it is. No one was visible but ... the big serpent perceived that one of his legs was moving from his feet to the jarajara. Tales are tired. There was a moment standing there, and he turned his face back.
And then, just ...
This time quietly walked. After approaching the shape, he realized that it was a white saree. 'How was that woman in the desert at that time ?? She is a man? Or, everyone is saying the devil ?? 'And the feeling that he did not know his heart missed a beat.
She did not see him. Slowly walking. She does not do without a laugh ... she's gone to the side of the tree.
The backbone is going to go back. The smell of the center is infected with his nose. "Who are you?" Said. Her face was turned and she turned to him.
The face in the dark is not clear. "Who are you?" Strangely asked again.
Manjulhasam is one of the best. Let me go back and forth. He pursued the exterior. Suddenly at a dense shrub. He was deeply embarrassed to him.
Bulletbub whitewash. She was so embarrassed that she was tired. She was delighted to see the spices coming from her shirt ... her soft touch, fucking bangles and hot sunglasses. Her worst thing is that she is lying hot, her body is hotly burned ... the electric shock in his body. In him, the head of the Karke raised the charming head.
"Evarime? Manisha, his friends said, 'Do you have any answers?' Her younger sister smiled as she was tired of touching me softly.
At the moment, she kissed her with a kiss, and kissed her face with her kisses. She had her thumbs up with her feet. She threw her throat with warm lips and burned her fire. He touched his breasts with ...
She slipped her down on the floor. Then the period of theirs was struck down!
Childbirth tries to awaken the village with light rays ...
Friends did not come to the bootlebelt until they came back. Wherever the night fell, he was lying on the couch alone.
Allied friends survived when they saw the survivor of the bullet.
"Nenekkadunnanu?" He asked me to look up the eyes of the bullet.
"With regret," he replied.
Trying to recall something, "Is she somewhere?" Articlełt.
"No?" Amazingly asked the Allies.
"The girl who spent the night with me" said bullebuki, with shiny eyes.
"Do you have a demon?" The trio asked at once simultaneously.
"Daddy? No!" "Who's the lady?" "She ... a romantic god!"
"That is what is called mohanpiya in the language of devil babu!" Said rams.
"Chaw Chaw, did you come to know that the girl who had come to me in the night to be a godly devil? Said bulletbai. They looked at the faces and said about the experience of the night that the bulbbubai. Ascaryapoyaranta
Krishna went to Erraya Sigha and chased a young girl who was standing in the tree. It was white and shorter. There's a little bit. White saree is stuck.
"Is this the girl you have spent the night with?" I asked Erriya.
Bullbebau looked at her curve and hit the head. "She's a slim, tall and lazy," he said. "Who is she?" Friends told him that he was surprised and very surprised ...
'Bullebubi knows the courage of his heart. If he wins the race, they will have to work in his field. When the supplication of anxiety occurs then it may not be visible. If he does not see the bullet that day, he will be able to win the race. That is why it is better, the drama brought from the neighborhood to the dancers brought to the devil to dress! At first, she did not agree to get worried.She assured her that she would be shadowing back, and she agreed to divorce in a garland for a minute ... Soon afterwards she felt unconscious with the fear of seeing the truth. She is a friend who has taken a fight with her husband. If she asks her to laugh, she supposedly told her at night Said ...
"The demonic molding I saw is like what you describe" with the Shakuntala Bulbbai, fearing the heart of the heart.
"That is ... spent the night with me ...?!" He is white. In his mind, 'she' shaved the form ... white sari, crawling cows, stepping into the foot ... walking in the quest ... At that time, no common woman in a deserted place will go alone!
His body was frightened by fear. "So, is it ... a ghost?" Said.
"Undoubtedly, when people in the age group were alone, they were attracted to the mahipiphaschikas, to become their magic and to get their demands," said Erraya
"You are very fortunate and still alive, and I usually hear that nobody is dead," said Krishna Relief.
All the brave heart of the heart of the jungle.
"Do you still agree with the demons?" Loudspeakers.
"But that is why she did not accept my mind," said Bulleboby as a consultant.
"Playing to erase the bet!" Krishna said.
"Chuck, it's not, I can not really judge myself."
"Surrender, I'm not the proof that it is a ghost!" Shakuntala smiling
He has tossed his shoulders.
The messenger of the messenger who reportedly had seen Mohanipee in the grudge of my father was in the groove. Nayudu kattavatukku karunaku for taking unnecessary repayment in the risk of heading the son.
A half-year-old girl's second wife, Shesharatnam, will be red-eyed. Makes solos. Karamam uses a 'poison' plant that comes from dancing.
The news of the news that the Mohanipeechi appeared to the bulletbai was laughing and smiled.
'With the old age of the bodice ... with musk wanders ... how can you karroda! That's your friend's wager on the day that you're coming from your boat, or if you do not have a stick like a candy griddle! " She looked in the mirror and thought of her with tranquility.

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